The more I study viruses, the more I find different views and understandings of them. The most common idea is that they invade cells to begin replicating rapidly and causing damage. Another that seems pretty common, which I found very odd at first, is the idea that viruses cause cells to rid themselves of toxins. And then there’s are a lot of various claims that viruses don’t enter our body naturally, or don’t shed, etc.

I’d like to share my hypothesis of how I see viruses working and what their purpose might be. I’m basing this on information I’ve come across in books or websites, but there is only limited information available about viruses, so this may require us to dust off our thinking caps and possibly grab a few extra lemons.
Although it is difficult to piece together what I am about to share, it is just as difficult to disprove it. I don’t bother writing these articles for fun, I do it because I believe I’ve come across important information that we should all be researching and thinking about.
Are Viruses alive or dead?
Wrapping our head around the idea if a virus is alive or not, requires sorting out a good bit of details, starting with “what is life?” This article does a great job going over a lot of these details. If someone is very interested in understanding viruses, read this article, including part 2 and some of the links mentioned. And then head back here for my interpretation. “On The Origin of the Genes of Viruses“
Viruses are dead pieces of genetic material. The idea of a “live virus” is only a term pharma uses to ease people into injecting themselves or inhaling an actual virus, opposed to a fragment. Because apparently picking up a virus naturally is bad, but forcing it is good, isn’t that interesting. I wonder why products that use these live viruses have horrible results and side effects. But luckily Google is no longer censoring these side effects, so we can finally make better-informed decisions.
Viruses use our cells to reproduce
In order for a virus to get inside a cell, it must be recognized by surface receptors of the cell. This means the virus and cells know how to interact with each other in some way. This is how certain viruses work in certain species and cell types.
Once invited into the cell, the virus releases its genetic data and the cell starts replicating the information. No overrides, no battles, just a special door-knock and instant use of the cell’s copy machine capabilities.
This video explains how viruses work. I have it queued up to about halfway where it explains how viruses enter cells and how they replicate.
Viruses are just fragments of information. They are not alive and cannot do anything without the help of a cell’s ribosome. It doesn’t really matter what a ribosome does, viruses don’t function without them, and only cells have ribosomes.
It is suspected that they used to be able to do this in a different way before cellular life was available, but that isn’t exactly important at the moment unless we have information to show them doing such thing today, which we don’t.
So, a cell allows the virus in, and once inside, the virus magically “comes to life” and “hijacks” the cell for its own use. To me, it sure sounds like the virus was invited into the cell for the purpose of making copies. Why would a cell communicate with something, allow it in, and allow it to make copies without any type of resistance?
Wanna know what I think?
I think the exosomes we call viruses only function in our own system to help drive our own upgrades. But in the next few paragraphs I’ll share a version of my view that might fit into what most people believe today, just to help explain how we could be looking at this stuff incorrectly.
I think viruses are like little USB drives that we produce for the purpose of sharing genetic data with each other. When we receive a virus, our body saves the info, runs this new code itself, and then sheds the virus again with a few possible tweaks of its own.
Why would we start shedding and passing genetic data? Evolution of the environment, whether long-term evolution or acute.
Why would we become ill if we’re just sharing genetic data? Well, maybe we’re not healthy enough to handle the change that our cellular systems would be required to make in order to live in the new environment? Why continue slowly degrading when our body can alert us to the situation via illness so we can do something about it. If we are aware of how health works, this will cause us to get some homemade chicken soup. And, unfortunately, if we don’t understand health we will go grab some kind of poison to mute the symptoms.
If we are always out in public, breathing what others are exhaling all the time, we’re constantly picking up new pieces of code and slowly keeping up with the new code as more and more people’s bodies figure out how to properly handle the upgrade.
Instead, if we expose ourselves to the new environment without slowly breathing other people’s code upgrade, we’re forced to figure the situation out on our own and spend much more time trying to figure out how to resolve the situation. So, we end up wearing our bodies out and causing more damage than we can clean up and rebuild in time.
I finally found someone with the same type of view
My friend sent me a link this morning of a doctor talking about this situation and viruses, and his view of this is very similar to what I have been thinking. He is saying exosomes and viruses are the same things, and they force their way into cells to either wrap toxins or somehow get them out of the cell.
Wanna know what I think again? I think exosomes are our body’s own internal system to upgrade different types of cells that don’t normally communicate. And then “viruses” are whipped up and shed so we can communicate this with others and their body can then create exosomes for its own upgrade, and more “viruses” to shed to others.
He talks about how the 1918 Spanish flu tried and failed to transfer the illness from a sick person to a healthy person. Maybe those healthy people were the ones that slowly processed the upgrade, or just had the strength to blast through any level of exposure to it or the new environment?
This video has since been removed, potentially by the author, Andrew Kaufman M.D. who seems to have become a little quiet more recently. He has been “attacked” about spreading “misinformation” and may even be on that list of the 12 people/doctors that spread the most misinfo? Here is a random video of his on Rumble but you’ll have to search around for more from him.
Other resources
From the book “Viruses: Essential Agents of Life“: There is increasing evidence that all cellular life is colonized by viruses in a persistent lifestyle.
This book “Can Viruses Make Us Human?” makes me wonder if viruses are our main method of evolution.
Interesting info in this even though its related to bacteria
Digging deeper into EMF history. Car phones in 1957, around the time of another epidemic and in Russia a year later
Some history about radio
There are piles of information linking EMF radiation to illness. Various governmental agencies even have piles of this info.